Nagios presented by Ethan Galstad

At this month's Penguins Unbound Meeting Ethan Galstad, founder and
President of Nagion Enterprises, will talk about network, system, and
application monitoring using Nagios.   The talk will cover how to
implement a monitoring solution, the benefits that Nagios provides, and
how to extend Nagios's capabilities with hundreds of community addons.
Ethan will provide a demo of Nagios Core, Nagios XI, and Nagios Fusion
and will be handing out free Nagios t-shirts and demo DVDs.

Hope to see you there.


If you can't make it you can use this url to stream the meeting.


I was able to connect to this stream with mplayer on Ubuntu 10.04, here 
is the command I used:

mplayer mms://

I have heard that VLC should work, but I couldn't get it to work.

We will also be recording the meeting also and should have it available 
after the meeting.
