On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 12:33:07AM -0500, Bob Tanner wrote:
> You want something that can (gotten from the poorly named thread Richochet
> boxes?):
> provide QoS (ala traffic shapping?) 
> accounting (ala RADIUS-like stuff?) 
> logging (what do you want to log?)
> authentication 
> Something that works on other those "other" operating systems
> That a list of basic (drechsau) requirements ?


Let me break it down further:

	QoS as needed, allow people to perhaps purchase levels of
	service, offer 'times' where things are more open, set up the
	network to handle far more than 3 people all downloading
	Warcraft III.

	Authentication and accounting (which is the logging) to allow
	a model of 'pay for use', to help track down 'abuse', to allow
	reports to be drawn up to show how well the business model is
	working when it is time for the next round of 'funding'.
	Logging is not about privacy invading information.  Logging
	could be anonymized logs from a transparent cache server to
	determine where the next 'connection' should come from when
	dealing with local connections.  Etc.

	Limiting to an OS sucks, I think it needs to be worked on for
	far more than 'one'.  The marketing level of a system doesn't
	mean the system is the right one :)

What we need is a 'standard' for doing stuff via the AP and things
would be far more fun and easy for keeping 'abuse', 'theft', and
overall 'sharing' at acceptable levels.

Mike Horwath           IRC: Drechsau         drechsau at Geeks.ORG
Home: 763-540-6815  1901 Sumter Ave N, Golden Valley, MN  55427
Opinions stated in this message, or any message posted by myself
through my Geeks.ORG address, are mine and mine alone, period.