when last we saw our hero (Thursday, Aug 08, 2002), 
 Andy Warner was madly tapping out:
> steve ulrich wrote:
> > [...]
> >  1 - ben kochie and matthew genelin from the university of minnesota
> >  have been researching the options available to the group utilizing
> >  moos tower at the university of minnesota.  the u of m's ham club is
> >  [...]
> >  installation of the moos tower node will require doing some tests to
> >  determine the feasibility and impact of doing such an installation. a
> >  study to determine the range and locations accessible to the moos
> >  tower location will be required as well.  this will help to determine
> I'm sorry I missed the meeting.

> I've installed a data repeater on top of moos tower. I am very
> familiar with the location. The radio shack is a considerable
> distance from the antenna location sites. Unless we want to flush
> lots of dB and $ on feedline, we will need to plan for weatherproof
> radios, with remote (low voltage) power remotely supplied. It is a
> good RF location, the coverage of the data repeater I mentioned
> above was excellent.

there was some discussion regarding this.  it would be nice to know if
we're within the bounds of PoE for this application. i'm doing some
research to see what APs we'd be able to use for this location that
would have low power req'ts whle providing us with some flexibility in
the network functionality side of things. 

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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