Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> > I am <not> going to give anyone the benefit of my knowledge of and experience in
> > urban radio propagation if that knowledge will be exploited for <their>
> > enrichment, but I will gladly donate it as a volunteer for a non-profit, as long
> > as the work is protected.
> I heartily agree with this. I've got no problem building a network just for
> the geek value of it; I do however have a problem with people taking what
> we've done, and putting $$$ in their pocket, with no returns to us.
> I think a commercial operation of any sort, is likely to attract the wrong
> sorts of people (both users and investors/managers/hangers-on); and has a
> good chance of ruining the culture of this community.
> then again, I think changing culture is bound to happen to any community
> eventually, as part of its natural evolution (if it doesn't do that, it
> stagnates and dies). so let's just be aware of it; and keep an eye out for
> the future of this friendly community of geeks. :)

Well, here we go:

Non-profit corporations:

Non-profit or Cooperative?

Neal: nkras at