* Nate Carlson (natecars at real-time.com) wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Spencer Butler wrote:
> > http://www.guerrilla.net/reference/openAP/getting_started_flash.html
> > http://opensource.instant802.com/getting_started.php
> > http://www.magicram.com/industrial_sram.htm
> >
> > I have been some research on wireless stuff and come up with these
> > links. Build your own AccessPoint! Pretty cool indeed. I have the
> > SMC2652w, and I am planning on getting an SRAM for it and giving this
> > a shot. One of my cheif complaints about the WAP is that it does not
> > do bridging. So this sounds like a great solution. And of course it
> > will be upgradeable as they work on the project. openAP is ok with me.
> Yeah, openAP is supposed to really rock -- let us know when you get this
> set up.
> Note that you do need linear SRAM, which can be hard to find from what
> other people have been saying..
I will do that. I am under the impression that the above link will lead
you to a spot where one can buy the card. That is the card that was
referenced as the "best one to use". The only thing holding me back at
this point is the $$ :(
			Spencer Butler		
		    Twin Cities Open Systems	
spencer at tcopensys.org		| Open Source Solutions
http://tcopensys.org		| Every Day Solutions
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