I'd have to agree with Richard.  That X-message thing is
Super-Ultra-Mega annoying.  For those of us who wish their work would
use something other than Outrook, the little X header thingy is just a
troll.  We don't necessarily want to run Outlook, but if our corporate
system runs Outrook and its groupware, running something else is kinda
silly.  And a Career Limiting Move.

I, for one, am completely aware of the consequences and ramifications of
this choice of email client.  It's an email client.  It's not a life and
death thing.  Being snarky in an off-topic flamewar on a email list is a
life and death thing.  The list lives or dies by the quality of its
content.  Too many flames = the flamers alone.  No content, no
listeners.  It's simple, really.


How about taking it off the list, OK?

And quit with the X header.  Make a template that doesn't have it, and
use that for the list.  Your email client does support templates,
doesn't it?


-----Original Message-----
From: tcwug-list-admin at [mailto:tcwug-list-admin at] On
Behalf Of Chad C. Walstrom
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 3:03 PM
To: tcwug-list at
Subject: Re: [TCWUG] [0T] Superflous X-message-flag? (was Cisco AP1200)

On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 01:39:45PM -0500, Jim DeVries wrote:
> Why are you using the wireless mailing list to carry out your 
> campaign?  Do it in your own personal emails if you like; 802.11b is 
> OS-agnostic.

Campaign?  Nonsense.

> There are plenty of ppl on here using MS mail software and I'll bet 
> they're fully aware of the ramifications of their choices.

You place far too much faith in people you don't know. ;-)

Chad Walstrom <chewie at>                 | a.k.a. ^chewie                            | s.k.a. gunnarr
Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul,
Minnesota tcwug-list at