Connecting the wireless net to the internet using cable or DSL might be fine
for us while we're testing it, but we're not going to be able to resell it.
If it comes to the point where we'd start selling access and charging
people, we'd have to get some other form of connectivity, and we're also
going to need, at minimum, a couple of /24's.  I'd be pissed if I bought a
broadband connection and got screwed with a private IP.  You gotta spend
money to make money.  :)

Remember, you're not just paying for connectivity when you buy a T1 or other
"business class" line, you're also paying for reliability and support if you
have problems with it, and you get an SLA so you can get money out of them
if there are problems.  If your cable modem or DSL goes down, it'll get
fixed whenever they get around to it.

The other option here is not to buy a T1, but to colo your network equipment
at a local ISP, and get an access-point on their roof, or at least a
wireless uplink to a main access point in a higher location.  That way, you
avoid paying loop fees, and you're limited by the bandwidth of the ISP, not
your line.  Of course, you'll pay for that bandwidth, so you need to make
sure your pricing scheme can cover it, or need to make sure that users are
sufficiently limited (set them up as burstable or something).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nate Carlson [mailto:natecars at] 
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 10:38 AM
> To: tcwug-list at
> Subject: Re: [TCWUG] Richochet boxes?
> On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, Mike Horwath wrote:
> > > Only way I'd be comfortable reselling DSL is if it came 
> from someone 
> > > like Covad (SDSL), but since Covad's on shaky grounds.. *shrugs*.
> >
> > Huh?
> >
> > Reselling Qwest is great and dandy.  It works!
> >
> > Or are you talking about 'reselling services over Qwest DSL'?
> I meant using Qwest DSL as an upstream for a WISP, versus buying a T1.
> > I don't know.
> >
> > If you are close to downdtown Minneapolis or St. Paul, your loop 
> > charge wont' be high and we'll sell you a PtP T1 for 
> $700/month plus 
> > local loop, with loop charge of ~$100 in downtown, and 
> under ~$200 for 
> > within 5 miles.
> Yeah, $900 was a bit on the high side I guess.. :)
> > A T1 will feel better than cable.  Have you ever sat on one 
> directly?
> >
> > :)
> But of course.  :)
> > Higher speeds means for cheaper per Mbps charges.  Chicken 
> and egg...
> Yup.
> -- 
> Nate Carlson <natecars at>   | Phone : (952)943-8700
>                | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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