---- Original Message -----
From: "steve ulrich" <sulrich at botwerks.org>
To: <tcwug-list at tcwug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: authentication mechanisms (was: Re: [TCWUG] a call to limbs

> when last we saw our hero (Wednesday, Jun 19, 2002),
>  Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom was madly tapping out:
> > >  - common authentication infrastructure - karl has offered a server to
> > >  handle some of the elements associated with creating a common
> > >  authentication infrastructure.  i suggest interested parties start
> > >  hammering out designs for this element
> >
> > let's start by asking the fundamental question of 'what are we trying to
> > here?'
> i think that the basic goal here is to provide an authentication
> mechanism that folks within the group can use to determine who they
> want to share access with.
> additionally, i think that it makes a lot of sense to provide simple
> things like dns for these nodes to unify the infrastructure.

well, what're they authenticating to? the hotspot or the infrastructure? if
it's the hotspot, just run somthing like wingate and audit everything that
comes through the air... if you're a unix nut, run
ipchains/tables/ipf/pf/whatever you prefer.

I think it'd be a good idea to start creating some subdomains for those of
us with hotspots up in the air already. However, the naming scheme i don't
think has been resolved. Mine at home is public.wireless.goobe.net - ssid of
goobenet-tcwug (for the public side). not quite sure how to tackle this one,
but if you have your own domain, i'd like to suggest my scheme.
"domain-tcwug" (minus punctuation) foocom-tcwug, botwerksorg-tcwug (some
might be too long). Just and idea. Also, i've seen AP's that broadcast
"information" packets, i'm investigating how to put a "welcome" message in
the air about mine, making some kind of refrence to AUP, yadda yadda

> >
> > possible answers that have been discussed:
> > - roaming NoCatAuth authentication: if NoCatAuth admins subscribe to a
> >   centralized authentication service, users who register with that
> >   can go to NoCatAuth nodes that subscribe to the service, and get
> >   connectivity.
> this is what i was referring to regarding the authentication side of
> things.
> > - simple dynamic DNS, using wget and a CGI
> > - 'real' DDNS, with BIND 9
> the management of dns is largely tangential to this but key
> nonetheless.  looks like another element for attention as well.


Been looking at web based stuff for a friend of mine up here at college, so
far, this one seems more or less sane to me... don't have a unix box up here
running yet, but i'm gonna investigate this one a bit more.

> >
> > all of the above could be done, no problem.
> >
> > the first two, are the sort of thing that killdeer.tcwug.org was
intended for.
> >
> > the last one, Nate Carlson has generously offered to host on his own DNS
> > server. I judge that to be a superior idea to using killdeer.tcwug.org;
> > killdeer could be used as a secondary DNS server. (considering that
> > in the same rack, and share the same UPS and hub, the value of that is a
> > dubious, tho).
> i have a couple machine that can be secondary dns servers.  my home
> network has a couple of machine which i can segment for this and i
> have machines scattered in colocation facilities around the country
> which can be used for this purpose as well.
> i don't think that we're at a loss for this type of capacity.  i think
> that anything we do should be hosted in several locations.  i'm a big
> fan of redundancy in this type of application.
> >
> > are there any other ideas that I have missed?
> >
> --
> steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
> PGP: 8D0B 0EE9 E700 A6CF ABA7  AE5F 4FD4 07C9 133B FAFC
> _______________________________________________
> Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul,
> http://www.tcwug.org
> tcwug-list at tcwug.org
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Again, my $.02 :)

Alex Hartman - goober at goobe.net
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"All in all is all we all are..." -Kurt Cobain RIP 1967-1994