On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 03:34:37PM -0500, Andy Warner wrote:
> It was fun to put a face & voice to some
> of the names on the list, and meet some
> lurkers at last night's meeting. 

	agreed. much thanks to everyone who showed up. :)

> to everyone that came along, and special
> thanks to Steve for his catalytic properties.
	hooray for Steve! :)

> Can we get a roll-call of people interested in contributing
> time, know-how, bandwidth, enthusiasm, <whatever> to groups
> working towards each goal ?
	I personally live a long way out of the Cities (Buffalo); so
directly connecting with a TC wireless network isn't really a likely option
anytime soon. however, I do have a stack of p75-p100 computers down in my
basement that I'll happily sell/swap for $10/ea; and I have some small
experience with firewalls and routers, so I'll be happy to help people set
up firewalls/DMZ networks for their wireless gear.
	I do actually have an 80-foot tower that I have free access to and
use of. however, it's a silo on a farm in Mayer (40 mi. west of the
'Cities); so the utility of it is a bit limited at the moment. ;)

Carl Soderstrom
Network Engineer
Real-Time Enterprises