Prices for coax connectors can be very high unless they are surplus.  Axman
has mostly overstock type of new and unused surplus... some used also.
There's another place near Acme but off Washington (7th?) that has surplus
connectors also.  Can't remember the name.  The point about wire size and
coax type are an important ones!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tcwug-list-admin at [mailto:tcwug-list-admin at]On
> Behalf Of Bryan Halvorson

> Chuck Cole wrote:
> >
> >
> > > i've finally gotten some N-type connectors. (There has to be
> > > someplace local
> > > to get those)
> >
> > Axman usually has bunches of good surplus ones and many
> types of coax
> > adapters as well.
> Radio City carries several different sizes of LMR coax and has the
> connectors for it as well. Acme Electronics at 3rd and
> Washington would
> probably be another good place to try but it's been quite a
> while since
> I've been in there.
> If you're getting N connectors for LMR-400 or 9913 make sure you tell
> them what kind of cable you're using. The center conductor of these
> cables is larger than most other cables and won't fit into the center
> pins that come with many N connectors.