ahh the travelers dilemma - it's easier to compile a list of airports
which do have it.  some airports which you would think *must* have it,
just don't and it's a royal PITA.

if you're a frequent traveller there are some tools that you should
avail yourself of if you like speedy Internet access.

 - their tools are hacks but the hotel list is great

http://www.wayport.com <- hotels/airports these folks also bought
                          laptop lane
http://www.tmobile.net <- starbucks

here's my list of airports that i frequent that have it & those that
don't.  if anyone can fill in my *nots* with updates i know i'd really
appreciate it.

haves                               nots
msp (Qpass)                         ord
den (at&t)                          mdw (rumored to now)
aus (wayport)                       lit
dfw (t-mobile - w/roaming)          cdg
sfo (various - patchy)              ams
sjc (wayport & admirals club)       iad
sea (various)                       dca
lhr (various)                       bos
jfk (various)                       las

when last we saw our hero (Wednesday, Mar 19, 2003), 
 natecars at real-time.com was madly tapping out:
> Geez, I'm shocked.. looks like Dulles doesn't have any 802.11b
> access. I figured since MSP has it, Dulles would *have* to! :)
> Ah well.. that's what my cell phone's for.

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
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