when last we saw our hero (Saturday, Nov 22, 2003), 
 Ben Kochie was madly tapping out:
> that's exactly what it is.. it's a phased array antenna, with 13
> independant radios.  I was up on the roof talking to the installer
> at the hilton downtown.. 25 stories up on top of the hilton, and it
> was talking to standard nic cards walking down nicolet ave.  really
> cool stuff.. we would have been able to get better coverage if we
> could have put the thing closer to the edge of the roof.

hmm - this makes sense.  there's not a tremendous amount you can do
relative to the issues of LOS but micromanagement of spatial frequency 
might be a pretty effective means to accomplish this.  interesting

{ snipped - misc .signatures }

steve ulrich                       sulrich at botwerks.org
PGP: 8D0B 0EE9 E700 A6CF ABA7  AE5F 4FD4 07C9 133B FAFC

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