I was curious about this "MeetUp" thing (a business?) so I did the free sign-up.  This seems to be some sort of commercial control
for many local interests.  One must be a paying member in order to suggest a meeting place.  I think a bunch of TCWUG members should
sign in, and all vote to hold a "meet-up" at a particular place while laying low about the TCWUG until we better know how this
MeetUp thing seeks to control local publicity, membership, and activity.  Something about this MeetUp group has a smell about it..

Anyone interested?


-----Original Message-----
From: Wi-Fi Meetup [mailto:wifi at meetup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 8:17 PM
To: cncole at earthlink.net
Subject: Your Wi-Fi Meetup is cancelled

Unfortunately, fewer than 5 people voted on a venue, so the
Minneapolis, MN Wi-Fi Meetup is cancelled this month. Help make
it happen next month!

What you can do now:

1. Check to see if there's a Wi-Fi Meetup happening this month
in another city near you:


2. Help spread the word for next month:

* Tell friends about http://wifi.meetup.com/tellfriends/
* Post flyers around town: http://wifi.meetup.com/flyer/
* Tell good websites about http://wifi.meetup.com/share/

3. Get involved with Wi-Fi Meetups in other ways while waiting
for more local Wi-Fi Geeks:


4. There are Meetup Days everywhere on 3500+ topics. Visit:


Thanks for your patience!

Need help? Visit: http://wifi.meetup.com/help/
Remove yourself or update your account at: http://my.meetup.com/

Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
tcwug-list at tcwug.org