To the group:

    I need some one to wardrive/bike/walk the perimeter of Loring Park 
in the daytime to audit all operating APs within line of sight of the 
park. Signal strength readings and SSIDs aren't needed - channel, 
signal strength and location. GPS a plus. The park perimeter is defined 
as: starting from the MCTC Plaza, proceed south on Willow St. along the 
east side of the park to West 15th St., then west on West 15th St. to 
Hennepin Avenue, then along the west edge of the park to Harmon Place 
at Cafe Lurcat, down Harmon Pl. to the point of origin at MCTC Plaza.

    This will help with frequency coordination.

    nkras at 

Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
tcwug-list at