
>> I need a way to completely disable the wireless functionality of the 
>> WRT54GC.
>> I found a thread on-line reviewing these, and it sounds like some other 
>> Linksys models have a wireless mode of "Disable"  This one does not, I 
>> just have Mixed, G Only, and B Only.

>I think neutering the wireless port is probably the best you
>can do, if I understand your situation and the device correctly.
>i did like the idea of putting them in a metal box of some sort,
>though - if you're open to lateral thinking :)

Try enclosing the antenna in a metal shield, whether aluminum foil, metal
window screen mesh, an empty soda can, or an empty tin soup/tomato sauce
can.  Compare the signal strengths using Windows XP's wifi meter (crude),
or the finer Kismet or Netstumbler meters both before and after the
shielding to see how effective it is.

You should also enable the securest wireless options supported (possibly
WPA or WPA2, also MAC filtering).

Prices on eBay for used WRT54GC units are about $30+shipping.  Used WRT54G
units are about the same price, but have removeable antennas, 3rd party
firmware options, and their wireless units can be disabled.  If you sold
the WRT54GC's and bought WRT54G's the dollars would be nearly a wash.  Time
and coordination of the swaps is another issue entirely.

I suggest replacing the WRT54GC units with WRT54G's, as the best and
cleanest long-term solution, although not the easiest solution.

-Haudy Kazemi