Michael Fraase wrote:
> Why would a vendor ship a wireless router with the wireless disabled?
> Secured, yes. Disabled, no.
> Seems to me, admittedly a non-coder, a relatively trivial task to make the
> device boot into a web screen that prompts the administrator to define a
> WPA/WPA2 key when it's first plugged in. Make it so it won't run until this
> key is defined.

A vendor is not going to do anything that increases the likelyhood of
having their product returned to Best Buy/Circuit City/Pick Vendor by a
user hollering "this dang thing just won't work". This includes shipping
a secured unit and/or a unit with the wireless disabled.

The best I think we could hope for would be an interface that would be
fairly easy to navigate and some shiny brochure that tells the user, in
fluent userese, how to setup the access point securely. That might get
%10 of users to secure their access points, assuming they want to.
