Perhaps info at tcwug could be forwarded to the list?  If that doesn't sound
like a good idea I'll offer to take the messages.  Also, should TCWUG
meetings be rescheduled to a new date/time?  I didn't see anyone at the Feb
meeting.  Initially I'll suggest moving it to a Saturday after the TCLUG

At 11:13 AM 2/17/2005 -0600, Ben Nelson wrote: 

Ive been receiving and answering queries to info at tcwug for a while, and
the time has come to pass it along. The address receives aprox. 4-5
messages a month; mostly from people asking about who can attend meetings,
other groups looking for info about activities, and the occasional press

Perhaps someone with a more regular attendance at the meetings could be
responsible for the account?

Please post to the list and/or contact me directly if youre able to take
up this task. If there are multiple interested parties, well figure
something out.

Ben Nelson
612.685.9116 cell
benmgroup at

Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul,
tcwug-list at 
