Perhaps info at tcwug could be forwarded to the list? If that doesn't sound like a good idea I'll offer to take the messages. Also, should TCWUG meetings be rescheduled to a new date/time? I didn't see anyone at the Feb meeting. Initially I'll suggest moving it to a Saturday after the TCLUG meetings... At 11:13 AM 2/17/2005 -0600, Ben Nelson wrote: >>>> All, Ive been receiving and answering queries to info at tcwug for a while, and the time has come to pass it along. The address receives aprox. 4-5 messages a month; mostly from people asking about who can attend meetings, other groups looking for info about activities, and the occasional press inquiry. Perhaps someone with a more regular attendance at the meetings could be responsible for the account? Please post to the list and/or contact me directly if youre able to take up this task. If there are multiple interested parties, well figure something out. B -- Ben Nelson 612.685.9116 cell benmgroup at _______________________________________________ Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tcwug-list at <<<<