Begin forwarded message:

> From: Dave Garland <dave.garland at>
> Date: March 29, 2006 4:47:50 PM CST
> To: ccan-announce at
> Subject: Ongoing discussions of Mpls WiFi CBA draft
> To facilitate discussions of the CBA draft by Roundtable participants
> and others, I have created a mailing list/webforum at
> .  Anyone who is already
> registered with yahoo can sign up there.  You can receive the list as
> email, email digest, or read it online; there are message archives  
> and a
> links page connecting to relevant documents.
> If you're not registered with yahoo, you can register via clicking
> "join" at the url above.  Don't forget to set your marketing  
> preferences
> so you won't get spam.
> If you don't wish to register with yahoo, I can add you to the email
> list manually, just send me your email address.  You won't be able to
> access the links page, but can still participate via email, and access
> the message archives online.
> It's an open group, but I hope it will be a working group.
> Best Regards,
> Dave Garland
> Powderhorn
> dave.garland at
> 612-722-9635

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