From tompoe at Tue Apr 22 23:06:05 2008 From: tompoe at (Tom Poe) Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 23:06:05 -0500 Subject: [tcwug-list] just checking in Message-ID: <> I'm down in Charles City, Iowa. Just checking to see if any list members are playing with Sun's Wonderland virtual world builder? I'm hoping to get a Nanostation2 from It supposedly has a range of up to 15 kilometers. Charles City is roughly 3 miles by 5 miles. That means a wireless intranet could be set up with just a couple well-placed radios for the entire community. I've been looking at the possibilities of using Wonderland to set up collaborative projects like weekly garage sale tours. Anything like this happening up your way? Tom Poe, Charles City, Iowa