Hey All-

Thanks to Matthew Johnson for showing up today and showing off his  
Yagi + DDwrt Linksys router running a nice bridge bridging the  
"Caribou" Access Point. Yep -- we in the room had a much better signal  
then the other 10 laptop drones in the coffee shop. +12db gain antenna  
helps overwhelm the AP. >)

The group (all two of us) decided that it's time that TCWUG starts  
doing stuff.

"Let's do stuff" came out of the meeting, mostly.

Stuff that was talked about and demoed:
- DDwrt router, eBay-able pringles can antenna from PVC, several  
element Yagi from Matthew Johnson.
- Matthew Johnson's experience with FON and the FON network.
- Matthew Genelin's experience setting up 5GHz point to point links  
for a local ISP.

Stuff that we want to do:
- Get more TCWUG members to buy the $30.00 FON accesspoint (or better  
yet, the $40.00 FON Access Point with LAN jack, now available.) http://www.fon.com/en/

- Get more TCWUG members to show-and-tell other networks, projects,  
inexpensive consumer equipment (like Meraki, cisco, whatever) during  
TCWUG meet-ups.

- Do more outdoor stuff, including:
  . Talking with Osseo CTO this week (will email Tim Wilson off-list  
for a meeting.)

  . Setup and deploy event-based wifi network to give away, sell or  
whatever internet at big public events like the Minneapolis  
Aquatennial parade that was last week, July 4th fireworks, etc.)  
Members provide gear and know-how, prepare network during meetups.

  . Another meet-up in two weeks to get started on group projects.  
[ Group projects need to be accomplishable, not overly complicated,  
but "bigger" then one geek can do on his / his own. ]

  . Start the planning process for wifi deployment from rooftops of  
tall buildings. [ See: Matthew Genelin wants to get started on a point- 
to-point network from Moos Tower, U of M. ]

- Next meeting in two weeks. Gotta find a spot with less consutrction  
and more people can come. Perhaps the old Dunn Bros at 3rd and 3rd  
might come back into play.


Matthew Genelin
Fast Computer Service Co.

2010 E. Hennepin Ave, Suite 8-122, Box 1
Minneapolis, MN 55413-2760


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