Haudy Kazemi wrote:
> I guess it did.  Last I heard it was quite outdated....not unlike the 
> main website itself.  I don't think meetings have actually taken place 
> anytime recently.
> Matthew Genelin wrote:
>> Hey Gang-
>> Wow. Long time no post (from me). Did maps.tcwug.org take a dive? My  
>> end of the internet appears to no longer find it.
>> -matt
> _______________________________________________
> Twin Cities Wireless Users Group Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tcwug-list at tcwug.org
> http://mailman.tcwug.org/mailman/listinfo/tcwug-list
Is there a meeting scheduled for July?  I want to bring a pbx-in-a-flash 
up, and get some help to set up a home network.
Tom Poe, Charles City, Iowa
P.S.  There's been no action on my signup for the Forum for a few days, now.