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Re: (ASCEND) Woopeee... 56k ITU Decision (fwd)

On Fri, 6 Feb 1998, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Kevin A. Smith shaped the electrons to say...
> >>
> >So, they decided on V.90.....wonder where V.PCM came from....?
> V.FAST -> V.34
> V.PCM -> V.90
> You need to call it *something* before they decide on a number. ;-)
> V.PCM is for Pulse Code Modulation
> >Also, many will be happy to know that (the draft at least) V.90
> >does NOT include the V.8bis "burp tone" that has been tripping
> >many legacy modems on connecting.
> Of course, there is still the implementation question on how to
> maintain backwards compatibility with K56flex modems that do require
> it...  We'll see.

Now if I heard Lucent correct at COMMNET, They said it will fall
back to Kflex speeds correct? 

My question is for any particular NAS, Is there enough room on the DSP's
for both codes?, Hell, When KFLEX first came out (ASCEND and ROCKWELL)
dropped support for V.Fast and V.FC (Which I know Lucent already doesn't

Will Ascend have enough room on the DSP's for


I'm guessing not, So, I'm guessing (yet again) that support
will be dropped for the older legacy protocols of V.Fast
and V.FC?

Correct Kevin?

Jason Nealis
Director Internet Operations
Network Access
Erols Internet

> -MZ
> --
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