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Re: (ASCEND) Max 6.0 and 1800s

> Manual is very confusing...

I did not find the manual confusing, but you do indeed seem to be confused.

> What is this new restricted/extended loads?
> I am running 5.0p36, can't I just load bik.m18?
> When do I need to use the restricted/extended loads?
> When should I use thin/fat loads?

You don't choose the format of the load (standard/thin/fat/extended).

You have a piece of hardware (MAX4000, MAX1800, etc) with certain hardware
options (T1/E1, Mod-12/56K modems, etc) and you choose the software version
that you will use (5.0Ap42, 6.0.0, etc.) and software options (Appletalk,
X.25, etc).

This will decide what software load you want.  You don't have a choice in
format, there is only one format for each feature-set/version created.

If there is a bik.m18 release of 6.0.0 then you don't need to worry about
the restricted/extended differences, there will be no rbik.m18.  But if
you wanted the bixk.m18 load, then you must get the rbixk.m18/fbixk.m18

The History according to ME

In the beginning, there were only "standard" loads.  Each Ascend unit
kept two identical copies of the software, so that if a problem occurred
while loading a new version, there was still one valid copy left and
life was good.

Then customers were created and the customers requested features.  As
the features were added the size of the software grew, but the physical
storage capacity was fixed.  And eventually two copies of software could
not fit and there was much gnashing of teeth.  As so, the boot loader was
changed and the world became divided into thin loads (which could still 
keep two copies in memory) and fat loads (which could only have one copy
in memory) and life was good again.

And then the customers noticed that when they had problems loading new fat
loads that on occasion a NINDY would arise.  And they were left with only
a serial port and an Xmodem to reload their software, and there was much
pulling of hair and cries of sadness.  And so the boot loader was rewritten
and the world became divided into thin loads (which could keep two copies
in memory) and restricted/extended loads (which keep two copies of the
restricted software and one copy of the extended load in memory) and the
customers grew happy and the sun shined and the birds sang.

And that is the story of the formats.  Depending upon the version of
software you choose, you will have either "standard" or "thin and fat" or   
"thin and restricted/extended" loads.
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