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RE: (ASCEND) Pipeline 15 with Max4004 (ammended)

At 09:48 AM 1/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
>you can try using hyperterminal after hanging up on a 56k call and do an
>are the s registers what you expect them to be ?
>i.e. s68 = 64

I tried all that. the at&v show a lot of S registers but not S68. There is
no S68 on the list.

>if not you might want to enter the at commands from hyperterminal and
>then do
>a at&w and at&w0 to save the configs.

I have done it lots of time even on 3 different units (brand new). 

>Also in you RADIUS server for that user try adding the following :
>Ascend-Data-Svc = 2

I have not tried this. 


Lynx Internet

>These are my best guesses. Please let me know what the ulimate fix
>Good Luck,
>Nelson Llabona
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:	Daniel []
>> Sent:	Thursday, January 08, 1998 5:02 PM
>> To:
>> Subject:	(ASCEND) Pipeline 15 with Max4004 (ammended)
>> Hi folks,
>> I have clients using win95 DUN and pipeline 15 1.0 trying to connect
>> to our
>> Max4004 (5.0Ai13). It connects fine but it only connects at 56K as
>> indicated on our Max. We have tried to configured the pipeline by
>> puting
>> "S68=64" and "%A4=0" in the "Extra Setting" of DUN but it did not
>> help. I
>> then use "hyper terminal" to dial in to our Max and I see it connect
>> and
>> "Carrier 64000". It seems that it is connected at 64K but the Max
>> shows
>> only 56K (both Xmit-Rate and Data-Rate). Is it really connect at 64K
>> or
>> 56K? Pipeline 75 and other ISDN modem are fine.
>> I tried it on three pipeline 15 and they give me the same results.
>> Any ideas ?
>> Daniel
>> Lynx Internet
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