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Re: (ASCEND) detecting PRI down-state with MRTG

On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, Tim Connolly wrote:

>     Does anyone have a way to monitor the up/down status of a
> Ascend Max 4xxx using PRI's ?  Bell Atlantic just put up two sites
> for us using Siemans switches. Our PRI's are mysteriously dropping
> for no reason and we would like to have a quicker response time
> then waiting for a customer to call and complain. Thanks - Tim

	I wrote little perl script that checks the via SNMP
the ifAdminStatus & ifOperStatus for the 4 WAN ports interfaces (interface
2-5). If the AdminStatus is UP but OperStatus is DOWN then there is a
trouble there, Admin up and Status Up its working fine, Admin Down and 
Oper Down it's disabled.

	Nways it checks machines from a list and then creates an HTML page
similar to the Big Brother pages. It shows machine
name/connectivity/software/wan 1 status/wan 2 status/wan 3 status/wan 4

	All using perl w/ SNMP package. I might release it later on the
winter to the list, I am still working on integreting logging & paging
features in the program.


Cyril Jaouich [CJ837]

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