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Re: (ASCEND) Re: ascend-users-digest V96 #1159

I agree, I find the Max 4000 range quite good, but the max1800 throw it out!...
it really suxs.

T. D. Wolf wrote:

> We've been in business for over three years, and we've also
> used Ascend equipment for that time.  Our Pipeline 400 was
> great until some 4.5 release, when we started to get spontaneous
> reboots.  We eventually upgraded to Max 1800's.  They were
> ok initially, with local profiles and working by themselves.
> Once we enabled ANY other feature -- RipV2 instead of Proxy Arp,
> stacking, Radius instead of local authentication -- the party
> was over.  We haven't had a week of reliable operation with our
> Ascend equipment.  Yes, we have open trouble tickets and a TR#...
> and the problems persist.  Even by themselves they weren't trouble
> free -- the Max 1800's don't always reset properly.
> I'm glad it's worked out well for you.  Please -- buy our remaining
> Ascend equipment.  Cisco has worked great for us.
> Read the back-issues of this mailing list if you don't think
> there's a legitimate complaint here.  It's not just one person
> experiencing problems.  In our case, we bought a box specifically
> designed as a BRI router, with two empty slots, which we never
> populated.  We're only using it as a BRI router.  Shouldn't it
> be able to handle the most rudimentary functions it was designed
> for without crashing or degrading service frequently?  Our P400
> was ok.  Our Max 1800's have NEVER worked correctly from day one.
> If Ascend really wanted to stand by their products, they could
> commit to fixing them by a certain date, or buy them back.
> Mike Berger
> Shouting Ground Technologies, Inc.
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > From: "Troy Settle" <>
> > Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 01:06:58 -0400
> > Subject: Re: (ASCEND) v.90
> >
> > I've been in the ISP business for about 18 months now, and since day 1, I've
> > been using Ascend products.  Ascend Max 4004, 1800, 4048, Pipeline 50,
> > Netwarp PRO, and of course, Radius.
> >
> > I don't know how long you've been working with Ascend products, but over the
> > last 18 months, I've used about every 3rd or 4th code release (from 4.6C to
> > 6.0.4) for the Max 4k and 1800.  Stacking has worked in every version, RIP
> > has worked in every version.  Recently, I turned RIP off, and moved on to
> > OSPF.  Worked like a charm soon as I booted up (kinda sucks to have to
> > reboot to get OSPF going).
> >
> >
> > I don't know what your beef is, but I've had no serious problems that didn't
> > end up being directly caused by a mistake I made.  I have confidence that
> > when the v.90 code comes out, it'll be of better quality than k56flex was
> > when initially released, which wasn't too awful bad anyways (sure it had
> > problems, but the few flex users we had at the time understood the nature of
> > the problem).
> >
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