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Re: (ASCEND) Dynamic IP for P50

first you must use nat on this connection profile ,then configure "my
any address you want as your lan .you dont have to put a remote address.
at the ethernet>mod config set bridging disable and ipx routing disable.
thats all. good luck.

Gopakumar H Pillai wrote:

> I want my P50 to connect to my ISP and accept the dynamic IP address
> specified by my ISP. It has to be an IP router. This is my Internet
> Gateway.
> I did search the email archives and But
> couldn't find anything useful. Or I didn't understand what the document
> said. I did try it, but it never accepted a NULL IP address.
> Can anyone tell me how to do it? Or a copy of the working configuration
> will be great. The software version running on my P50 is 5.1A.
> thanks
> --Gopu
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