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(ASCEND) Positive report on 5.0Ap42

You said you'd like to see more positive reports, so here's one.
We've been running 5.0Ap42 on all of our Maxen for over a week now,
with excellent results.  This one definitely seems to be a keeper.

Our configuration:  We have a large MCPPP stack of nine Maxen here in
Reno, and various two-box stacks and standalone boxes in outlying
towns.  Our entire network runs OSPF, and the boxes in the big stack
are actually in the backbone area (we'll be moving them out soon, but
that's where they are now).

All of the Maxen have been up continuously for the entire week, with
no crashes or fatal errors of any kind.  There have been no
significant calls about disconnections or poor throughput, and the
memory leak problem that we saw in p38 seems to be fixed.

We got our first Max 4000 about a year and a half ago, and this is the
first release in which OSPF has worked.  This is the most important
new feature of this release, as far as we're concerned.  Gatewaying
RIP2 into OSPF worked okay most of the time, but we were never happy
having to do it.

So, unless something unpleasant turns up, we're happy campers.  It
will be a long time before we upgrade from 5.0Ap42, and a *very* long
time before we try version 6.

Now, the next fun we'll have is with our new Max TNT, which is due to
arrive on Friday.  While we will only be using it for T1 circuits, and
experimenting with xDSL, I still expect lots of excitement with
firmware again, since it's a newer product than the 400x.  Further
reports will follow on our experiences.

Bruce Robertson, President/CEO
Great Basin Internet Services, Inc.
+1-702-348-7299  fax: +1-702-348-9412
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