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(ASCEND) Max TNT 2.0b4

The 2.0b4 beta release for MAX TNT is now available to registered users on  The user will see a link to the Beta Agreement Form from
their logon confirmation screen.  The agreement starts at:

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The 2.0b4 beta release for the MAX TNT contains the following:


* TR 1510: Closing Immediate Telnet session cleared call before Telnet closed.
* TR 2757: Date/time could become corrupted, jumping to January 1, 2000.
* TR 2758: FE 29 errors reported on modem cards.
* TR 2841: Modem transmits level incorrect for K56 modems.
* TR 2952: Reduced incidences of transmission errors.
* TR 3013: Syslog output optionally reported in new format.
* TR 250081: Immediate service did not work for CLID or DNIS authenticated
* SNMP SET operation on wanLineUsage object failed.
* FE 179 was observed related to UDP event queues.
* Routes were non-private for some assigned addresses from a summarized pool.
* TCP-Clear connections could sometimes cause FE8.
* RADIUS permconn profiles for FR-CIR management type did not load properly.
* ARA didn't work with multishelf.
* Listing Firewall profile contents could cause an FE1 or FE40.
* ATMP tunnel routes were not removed from the routing table.
* Multishelf system with three shelves could not boot slave slot cards.
* Failed CLID/DNIS authentication could cause FE1 on slot cards.
* Modem calls that failed DNIS authentication were considered modem failures.
* AppleTalk seed router does not respond to an Echo request on a WAN
* Modem cards reset if call disconnected as ATMP tunnel request timed out.
* Advanced MIB scalars should only count switched channels.
* After rebooting a FrameLine card, Frame Relay circuits failed to reactivate.
* Deleting virtual IP-Interface profiles could eventually cause an FE2.
* Called-Number-Type did not allow network-specific setting in Connection


* Parameters for handling directed broadcasts
* Configurable session listing output


FE29 in some OSPF environments.
* Data filter applied in a local profile doesn't take effect for some
terminal- server calls.

Note: This release contains 1.160t of the Rockwell modem code.

Matt Holdrege
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