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Re: (ASCEND) STAC Compression? (fwd)

Once upon a time Laurence G. Kahn shaped the electrons to say...
>>1) Stac		(Ascend native version)

This is based on an early RFC draft and was obsoleted in development.

>>2) Stac-9	(Draft 9 version aka RFC1974)

AKA Stac LZS Option 3

>>3) MS-Stac	(Mickeysoft MCPP or such aka RFC2118)

This is NOT MPPC (MS PtP Packet Compression or Per Packet Compression, I
forget which) - this is Stac LZS Option 4.  Also provided in the RFC.

MPPC is yet something else, and is used by WinNT.  Win95 uses MS-Stac.

>anyone know what/if usr total control frames talk in terms of compression

3Com TCs can do Stac LZS Option 3, and I believe Option 4 too - but they
do it in software so it slows things down.

The MAXen, and the Lucent PM-3, use HiFn Stac chips to do it in HW.  The
older 4000s used the 9703 I think - current 4048/60 units, and the PM-3,
use the 9711 chip.

<> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-791-9803
<> <URL:> Hail Discordia!
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