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Re: (ASCEND) no surprise: p42 leaks

We're at 4 days operational and memory allocated is still at a healthy
1.5MB on available mem.
This is on a Max with an average of 12 to 14 users (Pipeline and RAS)
at a given moment.
"Heavily Used" for us.  Occasionally we roll over to the second PRI.
We're running IP, IPX
via RIP.   If we can get to 21 days that will be a first.


From: (Joe Cutrell) AT Internet on 02/23/98
      12:24 PM EST

To: AT Internet@ccMTA-USCU-NT-MTA
cc:    (bcc: Michael Medwid/Cupertino/Cal/SYMANTEC)
Subject:  (ASCEND) no surprise: p42 leaks

After reading this, we upgraded our Lab 4000 to 5.0Ap42.  Things
looked OK (as they always do on lightly used Maxen).  I then moved our
heavily used Maxen to p42 last week - the one that rebooted about once
a day still does.
 And now the lesser used one (that rebooted with less frequency)
required a power-cycle to come back up.

Not holding my breath (or rejoicing in praise of stable software)...

Joe Cutrell      Internet Engineering      Federal Express

> From: (Michael Medwid)
> Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 10:54:51 -0800
> Subject: Re: (ASCEND) MAX reboot period?
> If you run "pools -v" in diagnostic mode - you will see available
> memory declines to oblivion
> over time with Ap36 and other versions.  So to put some
> into the equation we've been
> manually rebooting every week or two (heavily used Maxes have to be
> rebooted more frequently than
> their less utilized counterparts).   I am hearing that the memory
> leaks are fixed in Ap42.
> If this is so - hallalujah - say amen somebody!
> Michael Medwid
> Symantec
