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(ASCEND) Holy Smoke...

 I found this on my network today..

system.sysName.0 = "spg-ctx01"
system.sysDescr.0 = "Ascend Max-HP T1/PRI & BRI S/N: 6162484 Software

ascend% show uptime
system uptime: up 202 days, 10 hours, 52 minutes, 24 seconds

            total pools:          165
          total buffers in use:         4551

                total memalloc:    279972186
                 total memfree:    279970991
               memalloc in use:         1195
             memalloc failures:            0
              memfree failures:           15
           memalloc high water:         1447

Bwhahaa, I didn't even know it existed :), It's actually got 2 users on

Jason Nealis
Erols Internet

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