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CF: New object: dice (was Re: oddity in the pup_land raffle #2)
Mark Wedel wrote:
> Hwei Sheng TEOH wrote:
> >
> > I think he's talking about a pit that drops items onto the middle of a 5*5 (or
> > 3*3) square area filled with buttons. Since (currently) items dropped through
> > pits may randomly "miss" the targeted coordinates by +2 or -2, this will
> > randomly push one of the buttons. I think this should still be working, unless
> > the pit code has changed??
> I can't say for sure what will happen here. My guess is that exits will put
> people exactly where the exit states, and if that has something on it (another
> player), will look for other nearby spaces to put the player on.
> However, this (and many other things) are perhaps examples of stuff where maybe
> there really should be some special object that makes the random choice.
> For example, have some contraption that has 5 objects, and drops one. Or maybe
> some large pit idea. I'd have to think about that.
> I know gates are also used for random events (put boulders on top, and they
> will roll one of 2 ways, somewhat randomly).
Might I suggest a new object type called DICE to replace the various
awkward contraptions different mapmakers have come up with the make random
events? Give DICE objects a trigger code, a type of dice to "roll", a
number of those dice to add together, and a starting point. That would give
a great variety of possible random effects from a single object
Example: to make something happen 50% of the time,
arch dice
connected 1 (this is triggered by code 1)
sp 2 (use 2-sided dice - a coin - which gives either a 1 or a 2)
hp 1 (use only one of them)
dam 42 (result is to trigger either 42 or 43)
Example: to trigger one of 16 possible effects, evenly distributed
arch dice
connected 42 (triggered by code 42, "heads" of the first example)
sp 16 (a 16-sided die, generates a result between 1 and 16)
hp 1 (roll only once)
dam 100 (results start at 100 instead of 1, triggers 100-115)
Example: to trigger one of 16 possibilities, *heavily* weighted in the
arch dice
connected 43 (triggered by code 43, "tails" of the first example)
sp 4 (use 4-sided dice, each of which generates 1, 2, 3, or 4)
hp 5 (add five of them together for a result between 5 and 20)
dam 100 (start at 100 instead of 5, triggers 100-115, usually 107 or
-Dave Noelle,
-the Villa Straylight,
Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email ==
Disclaimer: Any similarities to the opinions of any real or fictional
persons, living, dead, or undead, are clearly the reader's own delusion.
Quote of the Day:
"There is no such thing as 'social gambling'. Either you are there to cut
the other bloke's heart out and eat it, or you're a sucker. If you don't
like this choice, don't gamble." - Lazarus Long
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