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Re: World Map (was CF: the begining of crossfire)

Rick Tanner on  wrote...
| With the idea of making ships travel in real time (instead of instant
| transport) a world map is a good idea.  Plus, this might also be helpful
| for any of the creation stories that are being worked on now, and for any
| future map development.
You could just lay out `ship paths'. Eg: you get on a ship the ship then
just travels up the coast on a set path without user control until
destination is reached.  On the continent your could then sit by the
sea side whatching the ships sail by.  And small island ferrys, or large
river cossings can also be implimented.

This could even be implemented with a ``move'' device! Player boards
ship and disappears, ship then sails following the invisible move

This can be extended to other continents by having ship leave sight of
land and follow a ship path on a special `open ocean map' then arrive at
the new land and the port their!  Payment for such travel should be a
must however.

This could be extended to dragon flights toosay with a single square
dragon character on a `overview' map of the outside world.

No need then to `fix' the world away from the free form it currently is.
And map makers still control where adventurers land on the new land.
Pupland especially requires you to land at the proper place on the
continent and not just on any coastline.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )
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