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Re: CF: Successful experiments - commit to CVS?

>3) grenade spells
>     Somewhere between Small Fireball and Create Bomb lies Grenade, a spell
>that simply creates a special kind of bomb, one that detonates on impact,
>and projects it in a specified direction, regardless of the caster's
>strength and throwing skill.  Being physical attacks, these will affect
>almost anything, but individual grenades aren't terribly powerful, and
>they're guaranteed to send some shrapnel back the way they came.
>     The priest version of this spell, "holy handgrenade," does physical
>damage plus GodPower (whatever the god's attacktype is) and Holy Word
>(quintuple damage for the god's enemies).  This one spell gives any priest
>who can use Path: Detonation a means of gaining lots of priest experience,
>since very few creatures are immune to it.  I'm not sure whether that's a
>good thing.  Maybe more gods should deny or repel Detonation anyway?  I
>really like this spell for Mostrai, though.  Fear dwarves bearing the Holy
>Handgrenade of Mostrai!
>     Another way to balance this extension of priestly attacks to general
>damage would be to make it a particularly slow spell to cast, as the priest
>must count three before throwing the grenade.  Ye must not count four, nor
>two, but that thou goest right on to three.  Five is right out....
>4) holy word of elemental or demihuman god vs. undead
>     Currently, undead are unaffected by holy words from cults who do not
>consider them a special enemy.  Holy Word does 5x damage to anything listed
>in the god's "slaying" list, and completely ignores everyone else.  I added
>undead as a special case, so that if undead are not listed as enemies, they
>take normal damage (not quintuple, like enemy races) unless they're listed
>as friends, in which case they still take zero damage.  This gives gods 
>Lythander and Mostrai /some/ control over the undead, but leaves them
>significantly less dangerous to undead than Gaea and Valriel.

i am totally in favor of giving clerics and priests more damage spells. IMO 
the are an under developed class and need more damage spells to enable them 
to get clerical levels. Unless we are willing to let them get experence for 
healing too.

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