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Re: CF: RE: Footprints (was: Long term experimental ideas)

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, David Andrew Michael Noelle wrote:

> From: dragonm <>
> Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:02:56 -0700
> > Allowing spell effects to overlap as much wall as a monster is probably
> > reasonable.  If we're going to increase perspective effects, shouldn't the
> > damage asymmetric monsters take be normalized to be identical from any
> > angle?  (Disregarding facing effects.)
> Generally, if I suggest or even agree with an idea, I have at least a
> fair idea how it would be done.  This time I don't, but since we're
> talking about something that's dependent on several other major
> changes to game mechanics, such that the way the current code works is
> no indication of how hard that would be to implement, I'm going to say
> yes anyway.  Hill Giants should take no more damage from a frostbolt
> than an Ogre would, regardless of the direction it hits them from.

Just a side note: the reason I was able to kill a Greater Demon with two
icestorms (not even large icestorms) from a level 70 wizard was because the
Greater Demon occupied so many squares that it was practically taking the sum
of all damages caused by the icestorm on every square of its cone effect.
Which, with the current code, amounts to an incredible amount of damage.


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