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bash error and fat32

Last night I was trying to figure out how to mount an read hda1, which
is fat32 using RH50.  I created a directory /usr/win_c_drive to use as a
mount point.  I tried the command:
	mount -v -t vfat -o fat=32 /dev/hda1 /usr/win_c_drive 

I got an error message (best of my memory) 'non existent or unsupported
file system'

I tried several different combinations:
	mount -v -t vfat /dev/hda1 /usr/win_c_drive 
	mount -v -t msdos -o fat=32 /dev/hda1 /usr/win_c_drive 
	mount -v msdos /dev/hda1 /usr/win_c_drive 
	mount -v /dev/hda1 /usr/win_c_drive 

 but got the same error.  Is fat32 supported under RH50, or am I just
doing something wrong?

After closing everything down, and using the 'shutdown -h now' command,
I turned off the computer.  Later I came back, logged in as root, and
got the following message:

	bash: id: command not found
	bash: id: command not found
	bash: id: command not found
	[:too many arguments
	bash: id: command not found
	bash: mesg: command not found
	[root@localhost /root] #

when I typed 'startx', I got the following message:
	bash: startx: command not found

Shutting down and rebooting the machine several times produced the same
result.  When I did a 'ps -a ', there -bash was listed as a process.  X
was working fine up to this point.  Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,