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Strange terminal

I picked up this little terminal for $3.00 which has a little about 7" monitor
and keyboard and a "telephone" cable that I can plug into my telephone
terminal and dial out. I believe it is a ascii terminal with a built in modem.

But anyway the modem seems to be dial out using pulse rather than tone. Is
there any way I could test this or use it since I have tone dialing on my
phone and I have no idea on if pulse and tone dialing depends on the exchange
you are connected to.

It is quite old and the display seems pretty weak and I can read the monitor
only in 
the dark. 

I just wanted to play with it and see if I could do anything with it. I will
try and see how I can get to use it and if anybody is interested they can have
it for free.

It says "Scanset" on the front and has a sticker on it with :TEMAT TTE 415 B
Made in France.
