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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2027] and COW mailing list

Carlos Y. Villalpando writes:
> Let me know when you figure out what's up.  I'm sitting on a bunch of
> patches off the 3.00pl0 base that James (mostly) and I did to add UDP
> metaserver query to the client.  I don't know where to send them and I
> can't find this supposed 3.00pl1b base.  Only the 3.00pl0. has tarballs.

> James, Alec, you want them? The patches, that is.

Kurt's got cvs setup.  The safest thing to do is to get you access to
that tree and apply the patches through cvs.  Kurt, could you please
give Carlos a login?

We should probobly take Kurt's beta's and the metaserver fixes and make
a release out of it.


       Alec Habig, Boston University Particle Astrophysics Group