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Adding your URL to our directory

Hi! PCGAME.COM will soon be announcing an exciting new Yahoo-style directory of game sites (expected to launch around November 15th), and we'd like you to be a part of it.

PCGAME.COM is currently the largest game-specific search-engine on the web, with over 20,000 URLs and around 400,000 users/month. We are the game-search experts (specializing in this since 1996), and we're going to do everything we can to ensure that our directory is simply the best. 

To that end, we'd like to make sure that the best game-related sites are represented. That's why I'm contacting you with this invitation. A handy Add-URL form is included below, which you may use to make sure we have the right description of your site(s) for our directory. Please take a few minutes to fill it out and return it to this e-mail address ( You may duplicate the form as many times as necessary if you are involved with more than one site.

What's in it for you? New exposure and more traffic, of course.

If you're already familiar with PCGAME.COM (, you know that our current search-engine focuses on links to game publishers and magazines. Our new directory will focus more on the best sites (and will cover all game platforms - so don't worry if your site is not about "PC" games).

I know you're very busy, and I appreciate your time. Please return this form as soon as you can so that we can process it before we are swamped (each form will be read and processed by an actual person). Thanks in advance for your support!

Mike Pooler

Here is a quick Add URL form. You may duplicate it as many times as necessary! Sent it (or them) back to
Form version: 1.1
(1) Main Site Info

Title of the site:

Main URL:

Short description (one or two sentences):

Long description (optional- up to one paragraph):

(2) This site is dedicated to (check one):

[ ] A certain title (for example Half-life)
[ ] A certain game series (for example Quake)
[ ] A certain platform (for example GameBoy)
[ ] A certain game genre (for example Flight)
[ ] A certain game company (for example Blizzard)
[ ] A certain type of hardware (for example Graphics Cards)
[ ] Other (describe): 

Specify which one(s) below. For example if you checked "A certain title" enter "Half-life" or the title of the game below:

(3) Does your site *include* any specific pages that should *also* be covered in our search-engine? If so, include them here by giving each URL along with a one sentence description of what's on that page.

For example, if you are adding the site "", you could add these specific pages:
Cheats for Kingpin
Tweaking Kingpin

List your specific pages here, if any:

(4) Your Info

Name (or Handle): 

E-mail address: 

Age (optional): 

Gender (optional): 

What is your position at the site (for example Webmaster, Owner, Editor):

Would you like your name and bio included in our search-engine? If so, enter your bio below (anything that you'd like people to know about you). If you enter a bio, it will be available in our search engine under your name.

(your bio here)

Include this e-mail address in my bio:

Include this URL in my bio:

[ ] Include my Age and Gender in my bio
(5) Comments & Additional Questions (Optional)

Is there anything else we should know about your site?

Are you already familiar with PCGAME.COM?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

What game-specific search engines do you use, if any?

What's on your wish-list for a search engine?

Thanks again for your time! When you're done, please return
this form to