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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2675] Training server

On Wed, Oct 13, 1999 at 07:08:35PM -0400, Jeffrey Nowakowski wrote:
> Kurt Siegl <> wrote:
> > 
> > Ted's robot which is used in the base practice server is able to play
> > a normal game. It has even an INL mode to play real INL games.
> But Ted has been unresponsive to inquiries on getting the source.
> Brian responded right away.  I understand you have the source Kurt,
> but Ted explicitly asked you to keep it to yourself, and we haven't
> heard differently.

 Agreed to some extent.

 I really like Ted's robot and use it myself for experimenting.

 But the lack of source code really does hurt it's adoption for use as a
practice robot.  Mainly because it's only available for the Linux x86
platform, and we can't improve it to do specialized things.

 I've always been curious how difficult it would be to have a client which
ran some sort of scripting language.  The client could then be programed to
play the game for you.