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[VANILLA-L:611] From the Continuum's suggestion form

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Say, I looked at the top 100 players by
genocides and I think you need to tweak
the algorithm for sorting the players
who are tied for genos.  It looks like
it's sorting according to who has the
most DI but I think players who have the
least DI (or preferalby the least time)
should come first.  After all, we're
sorting players by who is best at
getting genos.

In other words, I think that between two
players that both have 25 genos, the one
who got those 25 genos in less time is
better at getting genos than the other
player and should be ranked higher.

</babble> :-)
 - Jon (

-----End of forwarded message-----

I am using the same code the generates the rankings from the motd. So,
the sort is done just on the genos, nothing more? Should it be if
there people with the same geno count that the person who got the
genos sooner (less time) should be ranked higher?

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : 612.943.8700                | Fax   : 612.943.8300
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