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Re: [VANILLA-L] Monitoring server

Bob Tanner wrote:
> This may sound like overkill, but is there any way to automatically
> monitor the server to make sure it is up and running?

Here are the two tricks I use ...

1) a crontab triggered csh script that checks to see the newstartd
process is present, and if not, starts it again,

2) a program called pung, which makes a connection to any nominated
TCP/IP server port to prove the connection can be made.

Files attached.  The second file is from Digital UNIX, and you may have
to re-implement it on your system due to copyright.  The crontab entries
I have are ...

00 05 * * * csh -t%~/nightly>&nightly.log
50 11 * * 1-5 csh -t%~/nightly>&nightly.log

The pung program can be tied into a script that will make a connection
attempt, and if it fails restart the server process and try again.

James Cameron                                    (
Digital Equipment Corporation (Australia) Pty. Ltd. A.C.N. 000 446 800
set pid=`getpid newstartd -ucameron`
if ( "X$pid" == "X" ) then
    cd ~/nt/server/alpha
    newstartd>&newstartd.log &
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# @(#)$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1994/08/29 19:19:18 $

if [ -n "$1" ]
	/bin/ps -e -o pid,command $* | awk -v Prog=$GETMYPID '{ if ($2 == Prog) {
								  print $1

