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[VANILLA-L] Mailing list questions...

Ok, I'll put this to the list.

First I have gotten a couple of requests (complaints) about the
mailing list format. In particular the number thing in the subject
like it was in the old mailing list. 

So, anyone know how to make this number thing happen in majordomo? I
am concerned because James(?) mentioned he tracks patches based on
message numbers. 

If majordomo cannot do this, then any other list server software out
there that will not break the bank?

Second web archive of the list. I hear Mhonarc (current) I hear
HyperMail. Any recommendations on this? It looks to me the Mhonarc is
being developed and Hypermail is stagnet. That is why I choice Mhonarc
in the first place. I am open to comments.

Lastly, is there a bug tracking database for the server? Does it have
a web front end? Can people submit bugs to it some how? 

>From what I have seen it looks like bugs are submitted to this list
and James(?) "takes care of them". This solution work ok for everyone?

I was at the samba web site ( and was
impressed by the look and feel. Pretty much everything you needed to
know about samba was there, bug submit, bug track, faq, docs, etc. I
think it would be a cool idea for a vanilla-l web site.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : 612.943.8700                | Fax   : 612.943.8300
Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66 62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9 
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