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[VANILLA-L:8] Re: [VANILLA-L:879] Re: [VANILLA-L:878] Re: [VANILLA-L:877] 2.8pl0

On Wed, 20 May 1998, Bob Tanner wrote:

> In the 2.7 series it seem like ntserv hated Solaris :-)
> I just do not want the Continuum to flake out (anymore then it already
> is).

Oh, you mean for production use.  I haven't run any long term tests on the
code.  I'm just saying it will probably compile.  :-)  I'm not making any
claims as to the long term usability of this release.  (Not that I
anticipate problems, it is just that a significant amount of changes were
introduced to the ntserv and the daemon in this release.)

I think it would be great if you would try running the server, and let us
all know of bugs that you encounter.  However, I would definitely keep the
2.7 directories around in case of problems.

Also, is Solaris 2.5.1 equivalent to SunOS 5.5.1?  That is the OS,
according to uname, that I developed under.  I've run a couple of INL Robot
games and have not noticed any problems.  What troubles have you had with
the ntservs?

 | Kevin O'Connor                     "BTW, IMHO we need a FAQ for      |
 |           'IMHO', 'FAQ', 'BTW', etc. !"    |

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