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[VANILLA-L:947] Re: [VANILLA-L:943] "No DATAMODEL_NATIVE specified" error

> Any ideas?  Anyone know SunOS? ;)

Yes, very much so.  Your problem appears to be a conflict between the build
of gcc and Solaris 2.6:

If gcc really hasn't been rebuilt since Solaris 2.3, yes, you've got problems.
Also, Solaris 2.6 is _really_ _really_ buggy.  If it's not fully patched
(and the patch list is the size on the Denver Yellow Pages) it will bomb
on you.  

Really, we're a beta test site for Solaris.  We've been told by the 
development group that 2.6 was so buggy they skipped right over 2.6.1 and
rolled up the release date of 2.7, IT'S THAT BAD.  2.7 Beta is rock solid,
though, sparc and x86.

Bob Campbell			Unix System Administrator
Scientific Computing Division	National Center for Atmospheric Research			(303) 497-1815
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