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[VANILLA-L:1005] Re: [VANILLA-L:1004] Re: Need a fix or prevention

On Aug 7, 11:15, James Cameron wrote:


I think James explained everything ok. Conclusion: we don't need to do
anything right now, simply because there's no problem ;-)

One exception: what the metaserver maintainers might like to do is to
comment out the msg_log that logs the 'usock: updated by ...' in the metalog.
That prevents the log file from growing too fast.

Cheers, Frank

PS: I'm on leave for two weeks starting tomorrow (8/8-8/23)

"Life," he said, "is like a grapefruit."  "Er, how so?"  "Well, it's sort of
orangey-yellow and dimpled on the outside, wet and squidgy in the middle. It's
got pips inside, too. Oh, and some people have half a one for breakfast."
	-- Douglas Adams, 'So long, and thanks for all the fish'
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