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[VANILLA-L:1080] Re: [VANILLA-L:1077] metaserver @ csuchico

James Cameron wrote:

> Nick Trown wrote:
> > Carlos & Bob -  you guys got the dns round-robinning to work correct?
> > Could you take the csuchico metaserver off the list?  Hopefully most
> > people are using the dns you've setup.
> An update on the other changes;
>         - code for UDP client response in metaserver has been tested
>           by Carlos,
>         - code for COW has been tested, but needs a few user interface
>           improvements,
>         - a standalone "fetch the list by UDP" program has been written
>           by Carlos.
> Nick's dropped the coordinating position, the mailing list, the key
> management, and now the metaserver.  Is there anything left?  I hope
> this isn't the end of Nick's involvement in Netrek.  ;-)

It is unfortunate that I've had to remove alot of my responibility but
between things changing at csuchico and not having as much influence as I
used to and just getting too busy I felt that it would be better for the
Netrek community to do this.   I'll still be around though :-)

I haven't dropped the RSA key request yet.  I have Steve, Bob & Dave all
say they were initially interested in doing it. It's up to you guys (if
you're still interested) but I would make an alias (hint hint Bob :-) ) for
RSA key requests which you're all on so it isn't dependent on one person

For the other things, I think they are all in place correct? Just to

    Frank - european meta
    Bob & Carlos - us meta
    Bob - dns round-robin for all metas
    Carlos - netrek client key management?

Ftp site:
    Bob - mirroring (new home?)
    Sven & Dave were interested in this too but haven't done anything? It
might be nice to have a mirror in europe

    Steve, Bob & Dave


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