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[VANILLA-L:1154] Nobody is getting new keys... Here's why:

Hey all.

Until this makes it into the standard distribution, here's a quick
patch for all of you running RSA enabled servers.

Since the keyserver moved from Nick's old server to, Nobody's been getting new keys.  The reason why
is because Nick's old server is hard coded into the key update daemon.

in tools/update.c :

#define CAPFILE         "rsa-keyfile"
#define LOCALKEYS       "rsa-local"
#define KEYCOMP         "rsa_keycomp"
#define MOTDLIST        "motd_list"
#define MOTDLOGO        "motd_logo.MASTER"
#define MOTDCLUELOGO    "motd_clue_logo.MASTER"
#define BASESCORES      LIBDIR"/tools/scores s"
#define MOTDBASEPLOGO   "motd_basep_logo.MASTER"
#define CLASSES         "inl,standard,standard2"
#define EXCLUDE         NULL
#define INFO            "info.MASTER"
#define TOP             50
#define TOPBASE         100
#define METASERVER      ""
#define METAPORT        3530
#define FEATUREPORT     3531
#define MAXTRIES        5

change the METASERVER #define to:

#define METASERVER ""

--Carlos V.
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