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[VANILLA-L:1189] Re: [VANILLA-L:1186] Re: [VANILLA-L:1185] Re: [VANILLA-L:1184] Re:[VANILLA-L:1183] Windows Server

>(Adrian, Darryl has achieved a running server under Windows NT).

Not to tute my own horn but the server should run under NT 3.51 and later,
and under Windows 95 and later.  


P.S. This does bring up some slight problems.  Under the license agreement
for non-server MS operating system, you are limited to 10 simultaneous
inbound connections.  As of now the code doesn't check if you are running
NT server or not and I think the OS socket routines might allow the user to
surpass the limit.  

Given that
A) Billy doesn't give me money.
B) I don't want to screw up the port more checking the version of the OS.

can we just put a disclaimer in a readme file or something warning the
user/downloader of this?

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